All Your Designs – Canva

Canva Screenshot

Have you ever wanted to be able to create a graphic for a presentation or a website but didn’t have access to Photoshop or GIMP and felt limited by the graphics packages that come with your computer?  Then take a look at Canva.  I have been using this program for about 4 months now, and Continue reading

Microsoft scoops up creators of Wunderlist app

Photo credit: USAToday/6Wunderkinder

Several years ago, probably about 5 or so, I ran across a program that worked on PC and Mac, as well as ported as apps for mobile devices.  It gave me the ability to create checklists and tasks that I needed to get done.  It also allowed me to share lists with other users.  It was a great way to share, at least for me, items I needed student workers or other team members to get done.  It also gave me a way to keep track of what items were getting done and which ones were left.

Flash forward to last month, when I read how Sunrise, a calendar app that works with Android devices, incorporated Wunderlist in it.  Thought that was pretty cool.

Then I read today where Microsoft has bought them and will probably help grow the product even more.

If you have not tried Wunderlist, I urge you to give it a shot.  Clean, functional, easy to learn and use.  You could do worse.

Microsoft scoops up creators of Wunderlist app.

4 Google Keep Tips And Tricks For Better Notes, Lists And To-Dos

Photo Credit:

As an amateur photographer, I shoot a lot of pictures in a lot of different locations using a lot of different settings.  I had toyed with the idea of creating 5×7 note cards with settings on them so I could quickly be ready to shoot, knowing I had a good baseline to work from.

Then I found Google Keep.  Great to do list with bulleted items, great for note keeping, allows for audio recording, and taking photos if you want to share something visual with folks.

Plus it keeps your notes and lists synced across mobile devices AND your PC.

So check out the link below.  Some good ideas on keeping up with Google Keep

4 Google Keep Tips And Tricks For Better Notes, Lists And To-Dos.